Study #3: NUN
If MEM is the symbol of water, NUN is the symbol for fish that live in it. Hence it signifies Life.
The NUN words (in today’s illustration) have this common denominator – Life that is found in life-sustaining water.
But what kind of life is this? On one level, it is merely physical – human life found in the teeming sea of humanity. But left to itself, fallen humanity will drown in its own sins.
The solution to this human dilemma is a spiritual redemption found in the progressive revelation of the letters preceding NUN:
- Alef = The Head of the
- Beth = House
- Gimel= who generously gives to
- Dalet = the poor
- Hey = as an act of grace
- Vav = will connect with
- Zayin = the sword of the Holy Spirit
- Het = that separates and empowers us
- Tet = to make the right choice
- Yod = to submit under God’s Mighty Hand
- Kaf = that His anointing may be upon us
- Lamed= to teach and to sow
- Mem = the seed of God’s Word
- Nun = so that God’s Life will be birthed in many lives.
Abba Father, Jesus is our NUN, our life-giver, the Living Word. As we share His gospel, may pre-believers obtain Your gift of eternal life to the praise and glory of Your Name.
Habakkuk 2:14
For the earth shall be filled with the knowledge of the glory of the LORD, as the waters cover the sea.