Study #5: SAMECH
SAMECH is linked to the famous Aaronic blessing in Numbers 6:23 -26.
The word ” Keep” is the Hebrew word for THORN (SHAMIYR) which begins with a SAMECH. It is derived from the root word SHAMAR which literally means ” to guard, to protect “.
The Hebrews were nomads who raised lifestock. If a shepherd stayed with his flock outside the camp at night, he would construct a corral of thorn bushes as a hedge of protection around his flock.
Immediately we can see a Crown of Thorns in the shape of a SAMECH – a visual reminding us of our our Good Shepherd’s protection around us and a warning to guard our minds and thought life.
Abba Father, SAMECH has so much to teach us. And today’s devotional is a timely word of warning that even in His everlasting arms, we must always keep our minds focused on Him and not to wander away in our body, soul and spirit as we are prone to do.