Audio Version: Living To Die Daily
By Pastor Dr Philip Lyn
But Jesus answered them saying… “Most assuredly I say to you, unless a grain of wheat falls into the ground and dies, it abides alone; but if it dies, it produces much grain. – John 12:23-24 NKJV
Jesus was at the height of His popularity. He had just entered Jerusalem on a donkey; crowds had thronged the streets proclaiming Him as the King of Israel (John 12:13, 15). They came in part because of the resurrection of Lazarus the week before. The Pharisees saw the danger. “See,” they said to one another, “The world has gone after Him!” (John 12:19). Even Greek proselytes wanted to meet Him. He was in demand. Political momentum was His to seize. Yet strangely, He seemed preoccupied only with the subject of death: “Unless a grain of wheat falls to the ground and dies, it abides alone; but if it dies, it produces much grain, He said.
What did He mean? Clearly, he was referring to His coming death. His refusal to milk fame for personal gains was bewildering. He was going to the cross. And there was no turning back. “If l am lifted up, will draw all people to Me” (John 12:32-33). His temporary acclaim by men was a mere distraction; it simply foreshadowed a greater harvest that would be realised only after Calvary. In His dying. the world would live. In giving up His life, His Father would be glorified. He never let the fickle crowds sway Him from this.
So, what must we do if others are to “see Jesus” in us today? We too, must die to our self-life. But what marks such a life? Well, crucified man is facing only one direction. He is not looking back and longing for the world and its attractions. He’s got no big plans of his own. His plans are out of his hands; they’re in God’s hands. He is a man surrendered to God’s will. He takes on the shape of the cross. He doesn’t draw attention to himself, only his Saviour. And unknown to himself, he begins to transform.
About the author
Philip Lyn is the founding senior pastor of Skyline SIB Church, Malaysia. He read medicine at Oxford and Biblical studies in London. He is both a practising medical doctor and pastor and leads a full team of bi-vocational pastors who integrate secular work and church ministry as one calling. He ministers widely and his first book, “The Sons of Issachar” has been translated into several languages.
All rights reserved. Used with permission. Originally published in the book “Slingshots – Nuggets of Life For The Soul” by Philip Lyn.