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Study #7: BET

Study #7: BET

In ancient Hebrew, BET is pictured as a tent and not a brick house as we envisage today. It could be dismantled and re-upholstered like the Tabernacle of Moses – also called the Tent of Meeting where the House of Israel ( Bet Israel ) could meet Him through the intermediary of the priesthood ( both Aaronic and Levitical ).

The trasition from an impermanent structure to a permanent dwelling ( as envisaged in the Temple of Solomon ) should not be overlooked.

From yesterday’s lesson about the word BAYIT ( House ) which is coded in the first word of the Bible which is BERESHIT ( In Beginning ), we can see that the letter BET symbolises both our earthly tent ( which is temporal ) and our ultimate abode in heaven ( which is as permanent as it can get in the adjective “eternal” ).

Father God, You are teaching us from just one letter BET that our sojourn on earth is only temporal ( like our tent-like bodies that house our eternal souls ). For You have placed eternity in our hearts and our final destination is our heavenly abode, Your House as stated in Psalm 23:6 where we will dwell forever.

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