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Study #7: HEI

Study #7: HEI

The numerical number for HEI is 5 – the number of Grace ( God’s unmerited favour ).

Let’s see how 5 pops up in the scriptures:

1. In the Old Testament when Joseph ( a type of Christ ) was reunited with his brothers, he gives his younger brother Benjamin 5 times more than the other brothers ( Genesis 43:34 ) and 5 changes of clothing ( Genesis 45:22 ).

2. In the New Testament Jesus only had 5 loaves to feed 5,000.

In the parable of the stewards, Jesus taught that the good and faithful steward received 5 talents and was given 5 more ( Matthew 25 ).

Father God, 5 indeed is the number of Your amazing grace. In Benjamin You were telling the children of Israel that the remnant who believe in Jesus as their Messiah will be blessed with the grace of salvation and more. In Christ we know He keeps blessing us with grace upon grace if we remain His faithful stewards. All this reinforces how important HEI is in our lives as the benefactors of Your endless grace.

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