Study #13: VAV
In yesterday’s lesson, we saw that if 6 was the number of secular or human imperfection, then 66 is a more emphatic expression of the same fact. Thus 666 is the trinity of human sin, imperfection and pride – the culmination of human independence of God and opposition to His Christ.
Today we shall study the origin of 666.
1. We start with the science of GEMATRIA. In ancient Hebrew and Greek, letters represented numerals according to their order in the alphabet.
Thus the first Hebrew ALEPH and the first Greek ALPHA both read as 1.
2. The letters in Greek for the Emperor Nero is NERON which adds up to 1005. However, if the Greek letters for Nero Caesar ( NERON KAISAR ) are transliterated into Hebrew ( NRWN QSR ), the numbers add up to 666.
Many interpreters consider Nero to be the Antichrist of Revelation 13 because the number of his name is 666 and because he inflicted “Antichrist” horror and atrocities upon the first century Christians.
If you consider the Book of Revelation as being both historical and prophetic of coming future events, then you can apply this principle of dual fulfillment of prophecy. Thus Nero was indeed a type of Antichrist as well as a picture of the coming future Antichrist – whose numerals add up to 666.
Father God, according to John who wrote the Book of Revelation, those who are wise can get an insight into the Antichrist’s identity by knowing the number of his name. The Roman Emperor Nero ( who ruled from A.D.54-68 ) was the one to whom Paul appealed to for judgment of his case (Acts 25: 10-22 ). According to history, Paul was beheaded at this emperor’s behest. To many historians Nero was adjudged “mad” as he fiddled while Rome burnt and he blamed the Christians for the fire and had them burnt as human torches in his bacchanalian feasts. This same Antichrist Spirit will persist in coming against God’s people ( the Jewish and Christian believers ) at the Endtimes. We pray that the Holy Spirit will intercede for us and alert us before and when this Man of Sin appears on the world stage.