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Study #3: TET

Study #3: TET


Conventionally, Satan is the enemy of both God and men and is known commonly as The Adversary.

But in Hebrew, he is more sinister than just someone who comes against us. He is the very destroyer of our souls.

The 3 letters that spell his name are:


1.SHIN = Destroyer.
2. TET = A Serpent which surrounds, twists and entwines us in its mortal coil.
3. NUN = to squeeze out the life inside us.

Hence SHATAN ( SATAN ) is personified as the SNAKE ( TET ) who wants to destroy and consume us in its death embrace. As part of the Adamic curse in Genesis 3:19, we are destined to be “dust” – the food of SHATAN ( SATAN ) in Genesis 3:14.

Abba Father, may the Adamic curse be reversed over our lives. For by the Blood of Jesus, the curse is exchanged for blessings in Your everlasting arms as we are loosed from the grip of SHATAN ( SATAN ), sin and death.

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