Study #6: TET
The Hebrew word TALEH ( LAMB ) only appears 3 times in the Old Testament:
1 Samuel 7:9 – as a SACRIFICE ( burnt offering ) where God “thundered” against the Philistines in the Battle of Mitzpah.
Isaiah 40:11 – as an object of a Shepherd’s tender LOVE as he carries it close to His bosom.
Isaiah 65:25- a picture of the Millenium PEACE when the “wolf and lamb” will feed together.
Indeed Jesus as the Lamb of God will be our Sacrifice, our loving Good Shepherd and our Peace-maker.
This is borne out by the pictorial meaning of TALEH ( LAMB ) in its 3 letters טָלֶה
1. TET = What surrounds us
2. LAMED = Symbol of the Shepherd’s Staff of Authority = to protect, to guide, to teach, to train.
3. HEY = To behold, the Grace of God.
Dearest Father, Jesus as our TELAH is no ordinary defenceless sheep. On the contrary, He personifies Your love for us as a watchful Shepherd of our souls, a faithful guide protecting us from the surrounding snares of the Evil One and delivering us from “all evil ” by the authority of His Name and Word. Thus He is our Peace who has broken down every wall of division between us that we may enter into a renewed relationship of everlasting love with You.