Study #8: KAF
We have studied the pictorial meaning of KAF as an Open Palm.
Today we shall see its pictorial meaning when it is placed at the end a word ( Kaf Sufit ). It may look like the 4th letter of the Hebrew Alphabet called DALET ( Door ) but its downward line is longer and the pictorial therefore resembles a SHOFAR ( The Ram’s Horn) rather than the Door of DALET.
During the two days of the celebration of the Feast of Trumpets ( as part of Rosh Hashana which fell this year on the 9th September, 2018 of our Gregorian Calendar ), the Shofar is blown a hundred times within the hearing range of a Jewish Congregation. It serves as a wake-up call to repentance as ten days later is YOM KIPPUR ( DAY OF ATONEMENT ) wherein only the righteous ( who have returned to God in true repentance ) have their names inscribed in the Book of Life.
The bended shape of the Shofar has a spiritual message for us: in submission let us say to God – like Yeshua did – ” not my will but yours be done”.
Heavenly Father, ROSH HASHANA also marks the beginning of the civil calendar of the Jewish New Year 5779. It is timely therefore for us who support the Messianic Jews to begin the year in solidarity with them and proclaim ( as our New Year resolution ) that this year will be a year the Shofar magnifies the Kingship of Yeshua over all our lives. As the Shofar proclaims His Coronation, let us renew our allegiance to Him in true repentance and resolve to submit to His authority, rule and majesty – as the humble KAF exhorts us to – and celebrate 5779 as the Year where He will release us to the full potential of His calling upon our lives.