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The Mission Impact School


By Christopher Quah

Often times we talk about the Second Coming of Christ, yet it seems that the rest of the world outside the church has not even heard of Jesus first coming. It is no surprise that Jesus Himself said in Luke 10:2 that “The harvest is great and the labourers and few, pray to the Lord of the Harvest that He would send more workers.” That is why even today, though they are places that have very established church communities, there is always that urgency to keep reaching out to the rest of the world.

That is why a husband and wife couple, Rev Dr Justin and Pastor Jacqueline Ryan felt something amiss despite being actively involved in church.

“In 2008, I had this feeling that God is calling me and my husband to do something more that the ministries we were in. It was like we needed to do something more in order to fulfill the ministry we were called for,” Jacqueline explained.

In order to find that missing piece of the puzzle the couple prayed earnestly and the word of God that kept coming to them was that of “10/40 Window”.

Reaching out to the children in Cambodia

The 10/40 Window refers to the regions found in the eastern hemisphere, as well as the European and African part of the western hemisphere, which is located between 10 and 40 degrees north of the equator hence the name.

It has gained a lot of attention among the missionary community, mainly because it is an area which is generally purported to have the highest level of socioeconomic challenges, and also has the least access to the Christian message as well as Christian resources among the nations of the world.

Therefore, the 10/40 Window, is home to some of the largest unreached people groups in the world. So it was no surprise that the strong nudging in their spirits was actually God’s leading for them to establish One Voice Ministries (

“God was very clear in speaking to us and telling us what they needed to do. He said we are called to reach the unreached within the 10/40 Window. To travel to the interior villages, mountains and deep jungles and bring Christ to them. We must visit churches in the interior areas and equip the pastors and leaders to be effective in ministry and teach them how to grow their churches.” Dr. Justin explained.

Mission workers and children of the Philipines

So as a step of faith, the first thing that the young couple did was to print out the world map, place their hands on it and claim Psalm 2:8 which says, “Ask of me and I will give you the nations as your inheritance and the ends of the earth as your possession.”

God faithful to His promises providing souls for the ministry

“This was the only thing we knew we had to do, which was to come to God, and claim His promises. We just did that, and the rest was history, as the Lord miraculously worked with us, and literally gave us the nations as our inheritance,” Justin explained.

Over the past 10 years, their prayers have been answered and presently their ministry is in 10 nations which are Malaysia, Singapore, Brunei, Indonesia, Myanmar, Cambodia, Philippines, India, Bangladesh and Nepal.

A time of deep worship and devotion to God in the far reaches of Nepal.

It was apparent that their calling was clear, in every 10 of these nations which they went to, they were mightily use by God for the teaching of leaders, the preaching of Christ, and the reaching of nations. But it was not the end for them, for in 2014, God challenged them even further in their calling. He directed them to go into full time ministry. Prior to this Justin was teaching music on a full-time basis, while Jacqueline was a business lecturer. Despite their well-paying jobs, the duo had no doubts about leaving their occupation and embracing the call to train and equipped pastors and leaders in the various nations. They also established Issachar Academy in the process, which is the training arm of the ministry.

With the academy in place, they continued to travel around the nations in order to conduct conferences for pastors and leaders. They also began to teach at numerous Bible schools in order to help equip future missionaries.

“Our work continued to prosper until we were able to start a One Voice Scholarship Program, where we could sponsor those who were going to be future missionaries, by helping to support their Bible college fees and living expenses. I praise God that those who have graduated are now active missionaries in different nations,” Justin said.

Issachar Academy graduates proudly posing with the Ryans

Presently in 2018, there was a new season in their lives yet again. God, through two individuals, gave them a prophesy in 2012 and 2018 accompanied by dreams and visions which clearly stated that they were now called to set up a Mission School located on a hill. It will focus solely on raising up the next generation of missionaries and inspiring more to go out because the labourers are still few.

He led them to rent a bungalow located on a hill, just as he revealed. God supernaturally opened financial doors for them, and within three months the MISSIONS IMPACT SCHOOL was established.

The school has a 2-fold vision which is to raise up mission minded individuals and mission minded churches. It runs for 28 weeks during which, students will be taught everything from finding their spiritual gifts and calling to how to step into the mission field and reach the Unreached People Groups (UPG) all over the world.

“Having been in the mission field for 10 years, God has taught us many things which we have experienced first-hand. We will be presenting our experiences during classes, thus making it very practical. Our aim is to ensure that these classes are not just mere lectures but also filled with interactive activities such as workshops, games, videos, group activities, prophetic ministering, and local mission exposure. Upon graduation the students will have the opportunity to head off for foreign missions,”  Jacqueline explains.

Students in Nepal showing their completed course proudly
The many graduates from Myammar

They invite those who are interested in the area of missions to join the school. “I think it is important for those who have a calling. For you see, most people have a desire to serve God and to make a difference in the world. But the problem is that they may not know where to start. That is purpose of Missions Impact School, which aims to help you find your God given calling and destiny in life. As you are exposed to different cultures from around the world in every lesson, God will speak and direct you on where He wants you to be in the mission field. We can’t all do everything, but we can at least do something with the gifts God has given us. Our goal should be that when we finally stand before God, He would say, “Well, done good and faithful servant,” Dr. Justin quotes.

On top of that, the duo also has established the MINISTRY TOOL BOX, which will be begin running in January 2019. This is another program created due to popular demand by bible schools in India, Indonesia and Nepal. The program which runs in the mission school is specifically designed for pastors and leaders to aid in raising mission-minded churches. The course focuses on equipping pastors in 3 areas which are personal development, people development and church growth, all with a mind focused on missions.

Ministry in India
Picture time with the congregation staff

Missions Impact School will officially begin running in February 2019 and it is now open for registration with a limited number of 40 places available. Dr. Jacqueline explains that the reason why the classes are kept small, is so that there will be an opportunity to connect and minister to each one individually. As for the Ministry Toolbox which is catered for pastors and leaders, it will begin in January 2019.

Please do visit for more details or information. They can be reached at 012-2606191 (Dr. Justin) or 016-6998781 (Dr. Jacqueline).

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