In 2000, Lisna Liu was severely hurt in a car accident. Without surgery, paralysis was virtually certain. But God had other plans.
Continue readingFrom stroke to salvation: Liu Chuang-min on how God gave him a miracle, and brought him into the fold
After suffering a stroke, doctors said Liu Chang-min would never speak again. But God gave him a miracle and showed him the path of salvation.
Continue readingMeet the Woman with the Issue of Blood
It was barely past the first quarter of 1998 when Shavinder knew death was knocking at her door. Why wouldn’t she? In her mid-teens, it seemed like everyone had given up on her living through the year. Shamans, traditional healers, and doctors couldn’t figure out what was wrong.
Continue readingA Symphony of Gratitude
My Whole Household
Do You Believe Me?
Artificial Intelligence – Your Next Best Friend?
From Shame to Significance
The Educational Mission Field
Scars Are My Testimony
Scars Are My Testimony The Teoh Family – 23rd April 2022 [post-views] By Marcus Teoh Reminding me of God’s goodness Do I need to be worried about the twitching muscle […]