You Prayed For A Parking Lot?

YOU PRAYED FOR A PARKING LOT? Dear Goldie, I am confused to see some people pray about everything, like asking God to find their lost keys, get a parking space, etc.  […]

Disappointment In Serving In ALPHA Ministry

Dear Goldie,   I was thrilled when three persons accepted Christ in the Alpha course that I was leading. However, one of them, a young lady, has disappeared. I emailed […]

Forward this WA message or be cursed?

Hi Goldie,   I would like to know your thoughts on WhatsApp (WA) messages about God, prayers, Bible verses, etc. I’m not against the circulation of such WA messages but […]

Should We Legalise Same-Sex Marriage?

SHOULD WE LEGALISE SAME-SEX MARRIAGE? Dear Goldie, I am   puzzled and disturbed as oftentimes when I discuss with my friends about same-sex marriage, they always accuse us Christians of being […]


PRIEST AT WORK Dear Goldie, Recently while surfing the net, I came across a puzzling teaching by a pastor who said all Christians should be priests. He said Martin Luther […]

Advice On Relationship Planning

Dear Goldie, I am a committed Christian and am now in university.  I met a girl in the same year as I am.  We get along smashingly and I can […]


Dear Goldie, My heart is broken by my son. After all my prayers and Christian upbringing, he is going to marry a non-believer divorcee from another culture. I see the […]