Study #12: ZAYIN
The Hebrew Alef-Bet generally has no capital letters.
But sometimes for added emphasis, a letter is capitalised.
A good example is the ZAYIN in Malachi 4:4. Here the very first word is written with an enlarged ZAYIN.
The word is ZIKRU ( Remember ). In the Hebrew idiom – ” to hear” means “to do” in obedience.
Just as the bride is obedient to her husband, we are to hear and do the words of God.
Father God, it is easier to remember and hence to obey if our faith in You is transformed into an absolute trust in Your everlasting Word. Help us to keep on reading and understanding Your words of life in the Bible so that we may find the joy of the psalmist in Psalm 1:2 whose “delight is in the law of the Lord, and who meditates on His law day and night”.