Study #15: DALET
Let’s review what we have learnt of God’s language that resonates from His heart:
1. ALEF/ ALEPH = God as our Strength or Leader
2. BETH= House of God
3. GIMEL = High and Lifted Up / The Favoured One
4. DALET= Those In Need or The Door.
When we string them together as a chain of progressive revelations, they read like a road map towards spiritual maturity in Christ.
A suggested interpretation may go like this: “If we walk in submission in the strength of God as our all-powerful leader ( ALEF ) – in the unity of faith ( 2 as 1 ) from an undivided household of faith ( BETH ) – without exalting ourselves as God’s Favoured One ( GIMEL) – but serving the needy in true humility and giving to the poor in Covenantal Love – then the Door of Blessing ( DALET ) will open to replenish our giving – like rivers of living water that gush from the Holy Spirit within us ( John 7:38 )”.
Father God, the first 4 letters of the Hebrew Alphabet reveal such a wealth of revelation knowledge. May we be blessed with more of Your divine wisdom as we continue to serve as Your faithful stewards and humble servants.