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Study #19: ZAYIN

Study #19: ZAYIN


In Genesis 2:18 God said: ” It is not good that the man should be alone; I will make an HELP MEET ( EZER ) for him”. ( KJV translation)

EZER is made up of 3 Hebrew letters עֵזֶר

AYIN = eye
RESH = head

Originally the two letters AYIN RESH ( ER ) denotes an ENEMY but if you add a ZAYIN in the middle of ER, it becomes EZR ( EZER in Hebrew ).

Pictorially EZER means “one who has the ability to see every enemy” – literally the enemy who has his weapon behind his head as it were.

In short, a good wife is her husband’s best ally in spiritual warfare. For it was Eve who spied the serpent before Adam.

In the traditional Jewish wedding, a wife circles her husband 7 times ( 7 being the numerical value of ZAYIN ). By this gesture she symbolically undertakes to protect him. She thus becomes his Weapon ( ZAYIN) and Crown ( another ZAYIN ) upon his head.

Father God, many translations in English do not help to define what EZER really means. More than just being a husband’s help meet or mate in time of need, she is actually his best prayer partner and ally in spiritual warfare. Her natural intuition stands her husband in good stead akin to the gift of discernment of spirits. Thus the power of the prayer of agreement of a married couple over their family, home, workplace, church and finances cannot be underestimated. For they wield the sword of ZAYIN as a royal couple in the good fight of faith.

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