Study #20: ZAYIN
The pictorials of ZAYIN as a crowned VAV bear a composite meaning of a SWORD, SCEPTER and CROWN.
Just as a SWORD can mean that we have to fight for our breakthroughs in the spiritual, it also means the survival of the fittest in the natural.
But a Crowned Vav as ZAYIN denotes the headship and providence of God as our King. In establishing His rule and reign on earth and extending His kingdom, we are not to war for revenge or conquest’s sake but to establish His rule of righteousness and ultimate redemption of those who pledge allegiance to His Kingship ( CROWN )and authority ( SCEPTER ).
Father God, may we submit in obedience to Your will for our lives. May the prayer our Lord taught His disciples be fully realised. Indeed “May Your will be done on earth as it is in heaven”. ( Matthew 6:10 KJV ).