Study #9: DALET
The Hebrew language uniquely shows us how Jesus is the Living Word.
The Hebrew letter DALET ( Door to Life or Death ) is a powerful modifier of D words and does what the English D cannot do e.g. DALET can string together related D words like a teaching aid.
Take for example the D word DAM meaning BLOOD:
DAM = Blood
A-DAM = Mankind
A-DAMAH = Earth
E-DOM = Red
DALET becomes the modifying root word for the three other words.
So the First Man ( ADAM ) was created by God from the earth ( ADAMAH). But when he sinned, God provided a way for an atonement through the sacrifice of an innocent animal called the Blood Sacrifice – the Blood ( DAM ) symbolising Life by its redness of colour ( EDOM ) for life was in the Blood ( DAM ) – read Leviticus 17:11. It is interesting to note that the earth ( ADAMAH ) is cursed once innocent blood ( DAM ) is spilt upon it e.g. by the murder of Abel by Cain ( Read Numbers 35:33 ).
How does it all point to Jesus?
Jesus is the Last Adam ( ADAM ). Unlike the First Adam, He was not a created being from the earth ( ADAMAH ). He was born of the Holy Spirit ( Matthew 1:18-25 ). As the Lamb of God, He was the perfect Blood ( DAM ) Sacrifice for our sins. John the Baptist pointed this out to the Jewish crowds when he singled Jesus out as: “Behold the Lamb of God who takes away the sin of the world” ( John 1:29 ).
Father God, indeed DALET wonderfully illustrates the gospel in nutshell showing us how Jesus is Your Living Word and the Reverser of Curses. The First Adam opened the wrong Door of DALET leading to the pathway of sin and death. The Last Adam opened the right DALET to the living waters of eternal life. For without the shedding of His Blood there is no remission of sin. Thank You for sending Jesus as our Saviour and The Living Word to redeem us from the curse of sin and death. And one day the curse on the earth through bloodshed will also be removed ( Romans 8:19 ).