Study #1: DALET
Allow me to introduce to you the 4th letter of the Hebrew Alphahet: DALET.
In the English alphabet, we have our ABCD, but in Hebrew the first four letters are oddly ABGD.
As an intro to DALET, it is good to bear these lessons in mind.
DALET bears two main word pictures:
1. Door, entrance, pathway, opening.
2. Humility, poverty, lowliness.
Right away we have the key revelation – the door to true spirituality is to be humble before God and man. A good example is King David ( whose name begins and ends with DALET and is spelt as DVD in Hebrew ). His marked humility in the Psalms he wrote leads us to another wonderful revelation – God gives grace to the humble to live like a king as David did.
In the Beatitudes, Jesus’s opening statement teaches us the same thing. In the English Bible this is not as clearly translated as the Hebrew Bible which reads: “Blessed are the poor in spirit, because theirs is the reign of the heavens ” (Matthew 5:3).
DALET bears the number 4, the number of completion: there are 4 directions, 4 seasons, 4 elements ( earth, water, fire, wind ), 4 letters to G_d’s most holy Name ( YHVH ).
Father God, DALET teaches us the door to true spirituality is dying to self. Indeed the least will be greatest in Your eternal kingdom and the last shall be first. May we realise that You hold the key to life. If You were to withdraw Your life support system of our Planet Earth, it will cease to exist. May we therefore be ever so humble before You. And realise that the key to open heaven’s door is found in Christ who is the way, the truth and the life ( John 14:6 ). In fact He said He is the Door (John 10:7), the DALET of our very lives. And those who enter in through Him will find safety, peace and joy in Your Presence.