Study #10: HEI
Yesterday we learnt how HEI acts as a modifier of a word when placed in the middle. Today we will see its influence at the head of a word like the Hebrew verb HALAL ( to shine, to commend ).
But HALAL is often translated as PRAISE in English.
HALAL is spelt as Hei with a double Lamed…הָלַל
It is an abstract word that is better illustrated through the concrete way of ancient Hebraic thinking.
A good example is the North Star which remains motionless unlike most stars. As a result it constantly shines in the northern skies as a guide for travellers.
This is what HALAL means – to shine forth as in Job 29:3. Thus praise means ” to shine or cause another to shine through one’s actions or words”.
Father God, HEI is such a powerful modifier. By it we praise You ( HALLEL ) by looking to You as our guiding star that shines eternally to show us our direction. We shout HALLELUJAH as it is a sign You will never leave nor forsake us in our darkest hour.