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Study #11: CHET

Study #11: CHET


This is one of the most important words in the Book of Proverbs that deserves a word study by itself.

1. Conventional Meaning

Wisdom is generally defined as the right knowledge to discern the good from the bad or the genuine from the false, and the ability to follow it through by making the right decision and acting upon it.

2. The Pictorial Meaning

Here we get to a more Biblical meaning of CHOKMAH.

For the source of all true wisdom is God Himself and not the wisdom of Man.

As a startup, it is good to remind ourselves that we need His wisdom to steer through the ups and downs of life. And it helps to have a reverential Fear of God as it is the beginning of Wisdom ( Prov. 9:10; 15:33 ).

The pictorials of the four alphabets of CHOKMAH or CHoKMaH give us 4 precious insights:

1. CHET is the Fence that separates godly from human wisdom.

2. KAF is God’s cupped hands that dispenses His Wisdom freely or keeps it otherwise covered from us.

3. MEM is a picture of Living or Destructive Waters dispensed by God’s cupped hands.

4. HEY is to behold the previous three letters and understand that the essence of a truly wise person as one who acts upon God’s words of Wisdom in obedience.

Father G_D, CHET is Your Fence that divides the wise from the unwise. For those who enter into the protection of Your everlasting arms by faith, You dispense by your hand ( KAF ) the wells of our salvation with the free grace of Your Wisdom as the Water of the Word ( MEM ) for us to draw from whenever we are spiritually dry or thirsty. Thus we manifest the essence ( HEY ) of Your Godly Wisdom as one who lives and moves and has his or her being in You as the source of CHOKMAH.

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