Study #18: ZAYIN
” ….the Son of man, having on his head a golden crown, and in his hand a sharp sickle ” ( Revelation 14:14 KJV ).
The ultimate word picture of ZAYIN as a weapon is found in Revelation 14:14.
1. We have studied that ZAYIN (7) is a crowned VAV (6). In this we see VAV (as Man ) like a standing figure topped with a capital of 3 prongs symbolising a crown ( to become a Crowned Man ).
In Revelation 14:14 Jesus appears as the triumphant Son of Man who wears the Crown of the King of kings.
He is the embodiment of ZAYIN as a crowned Vav.
2. He carries a warring instrument – a sharp sickle or sword – reinforcing ZAYIN as a weapon to accomplish His victory at His Second Coming.
Father God, indeed our Lord Jesus has won the Victor’s Crown. And out of His mouth will come a two-edged sword which is yhe Word ( Revelation 19:15 ). From this we learn that our weapons of spiritual warfare are depicted as the Sickle of Judgement ( to separate the wheat from the tares ) and the Sword of the Spirit which is Your Word in our mouths. It is such a blessing to know we are not left defenceless in the good fight of faith and that ZAYIN ( 7) as the number for spiritual perfection will be actualised at Christ’s Second Coming.