Study #19: VAV
The Bible essentially is divided into 2 time zones:
1. The time of the first creation… until
2. The advent of the new creation.
The first creation was wrecked by sin which began with satan rebelling against God in the heavenlies. Later, this fallen angel introduced sin in planet Earth by tempting Adam and Eve in the Fall of Man.
Thanks to the Last Adam, Our Lord Jesus, we were redeemed from sin and were transported out of the kingdom of darkness, death and sin into His glorious kingdom of Light, life and righteousness ( sinless perfection ) in Christ.
Thus the new creation is entirely different. From our recent studies, we see satan banished and consigned to the lake of fire forever. As a result temptation will also be forever absent. The age of the new creation will have no tragedy, tribulation nor evil – ” a new earth, wherein dwelleth righteousness” ( 2 Peter 3:13 ).
John could only describe the glories of the new creation in Revelation 21 by using negatives:
1. No more sickness.
2. No more pain.
3. No more hunger.
4. No more thirst.
5. No more sorrow
6. No more tears
7. No more sea
8. No more death
9. No more sin
10. No more night.
The focal point of the new creation will be heaven on earth symbolised by the New Jerusalem.
John saw it in a vision recorded in Revelation 21:2 – ” And I John saw the holy city , new Jerusalem, coming down from God out of heaven, prepared as a bride adorned for her husband”.
This new Jerusalem is contrasted with the present, earthly one which is the so-called ” Holy City”.
1. It is a literal city – with gold streets, dimensions, stones.
The city comes down, as it is impossible to build a holy city here.
2. It is a heavenly city ( Hebrews 11:16 ). Without the Holy Spirit to transform our nature from carnal to spiritual, we cannot respond to to God’s eternal environment.
3. It is a home city – the eternal home of Christ and His own.
4. It is a vast city – you will be amazed by its size and architecture ( Revelation 21:16-17 )
5. It is a glorious city. The glory of God is to be its light ( Revelation 21:11 ).
6. It is the capital city – the center of divine presence and government in the universe of God and the Lamb.
The wonderful revelation and realisation at this juncture is that even though Christ delivers the kingdom to the Father, He shares it with us who are the redeemed.
Father God, with such a glorious prospect awaiting us, help us to live with eternity’s values in view. Our present sufferings, illnesses, trials and disappointments are not to be compared with the glory to be revealed in that eternal day.