Study #3: HEI
One of most fascinating researches one can do on HEI is about its double use in God’s most holy name: Y H V H known as the Tetragrammaton.
Many pastors love to preach that it means: Behold ( Hei ) the Hand ( Yod ), Behold ( Hei ) the Nail ( Vav ).
A more conservative view is to “Behold God’s Hand of Grace ( Yod Hei ) that is given in covenantal relationships ( Yod Vav – Vav being related as an “attachnent ” or ” being joined together” ).
It is harder to understand the Biblical translation of YHVH as ” I am who I say I am “.
Why of all 22 consonants of the the Hebrew alphabet would God call Himself with only these 3 letters with a double emphasis on Hei?
Grace always is seen as a gift from the hand but its relational aspect with Vav as an ” attachment” personalises the relationship as one from the heart sealed by the Blood of the Covenant.
Father God, in a short study like today’s, it is difficult to explore the full dimensions of Your most Holy Name. But to know your Name is to know Your character…what You like or dislike. Help us in the days ahead to know You as You desire to be known that we may love You the way You want to be loved, understand You the way You want to be understood and worshipped the way Jesus taught us: in spirit and in truth.