Study #4: GIMEL
Dear Students,
By now you will have realised that God speaks in 3 modes of revelation by using the Hebrew tongue: conventional, pictorial and numerical ( prophetic ).
Take for example the letter GIMEL. It is pronounced as GAMAL ( Gimel, Mem and Lamed ) to mean “Camel” ( a ship of the desert! ) or ” A Productive Person/ A Fruitful Bearer like a Beast of Burden” ). Like us, the GIMEL embarks on a life journey like a pilgrim in a series of paradigm shifts ( please note the progression ):
1. From the filmsy tent of BET.
2. Through the open door of DALET to a more permanent abode – e.g. the Temple in Jerusalem made of material stone, a more permanent marker.
3. But for us, as believers of Yeshua, our walk is in Him as our Temple, we being His body of “living stones” with eternity in mind and heart.
Paul sums it up so beautifully in 2 Corinthians 5:1 –
” For we know that if the tent is our earthly home is destroyed, we have a building from God, a house not made with hands, eternal in the heavens”.
Father God, in just one letter GIMEL we see the spiritual mapping of our walk of faith. For we walk by faith, not by sight ( 2 Corinthians 5: 7 ). Thank You for leading us to Yeshua our sure foundation. For until we are found in Him, our journey is not over until it is over when we enter into the fullness of Your Rest.