Study #4: VAV
Today we shall study an important Hebrew Word AVT ( with VAV in the middle ).
The English equivalent for AVT ( spelt Alef, VAV and Tav ) is the word OATH.
OATH is the word for a sign or a promise. The Jews asked Jesus for such a sign to prove He was their Messiah ( Matthew 12:37; 1 Corinthians 1:22).
Such a sign is found in the pictorial meaning of AVT:
1. ALEF = An ox which sacrifices its life for its master.
2. VAV = a “nail” e.g that connects two things, ideas, items or people together.
3. TAV = the last letter of the Hebrew Alphabet ( Alef-Bet ) often pictured as a cross.
Thus AVT or OATH means God’s sacrifice which is nailed to the Cross.
Father God, Jesus on the Cross was a clear sign to all of us of Your redeeming love and grace. It was also an oath to Isreal as a promised sign – Jesus as Your ultimate sacrifice nailed to the cross! We thank You that VAV as the nail secured us back in Your love – a love that cost Jesus every drop of His precious Blood. And we pray that Israel will open her spiritual eyes to see that Jesus is their Messiah.