Study #6: DALET
Today we see a role reversal – Jesus knocking on the DOOR ( DALET ) of our hearts.
We read this in His letter to the Church at Laodicea ( Revelation 3:20-22 ).
” See, I stand at the DOOR and knock. If anyone hears My voice and opens the DOOR, I shall come in to him and dine with him and he with Me” ( v.20 )
The Church rightly is His house and He has to knock even shout to gain admission. But He will bless the one who hears His voice and opens the DOOR with a covenantal meal of forgiveness.
Laodicea was famous for 4 things -its wealth, black wool, healing wonders ( eye medecine ) and water ( tepid and undrinkable ). It was a first century bank, shopping center and health spa all rolled in one. But in spiritual terms it had taken a lukewarm bath of religion.
Look at DALET a word that is spelt with 3 letters – Dalet for DOOR, Lamed for authority, Tav for covenant. If you take away the middle Lamed, the word becomes Dat ( DT ) which means a form of religiosity.
This was what marred this church: its religiosity was respectable, sentimental, nominal and skin- deep only.
Father God, the Laodicean Church linked as the Endtime Church somehow lost their testimony. It was physically rich but spiritually poor, was blind even as its eye medecine was famous as a cure, was naked though clothed in a prized black woollen jacket. And like its water, it was too smelly to be drunk.
Unless they repent by opening the doors of their hearts to Jesus, they were doomed. And on record the Church no longer stands except as a pile of glorious stones and ruins for tourists to trample on. They failed to be on fire for Christ and their DALET became a prison door instead of a liberating entry point to God’s grace and mercy. Let us learn from their failure. For those who do not learn from their history are condemned to repeat the selfsame mistakes.