Study #6: LAMED
LAMED shows us two aspects of our life in Christ:
- God loves us so much that He planned a great RESCUE for us through Christ ( Justifcation ).
- God loves others so much that He planned a RACE for us by the Holy Spirit – to finish the rest of our journey in Christ – by sharing His love for others – to reach the unreachables, to touch the untouchables, to forgive the unforgivables, to love the unlovables.This process of being forgiven and obtaining His grace and mercy are what we ought to share with others being the first recipients of His boundless love. This process is called Sanctification where we all become complete in Christ.
In the Old Testament David is one outstanding personage who was often forgiven by God and the recipient of His mercy. In Psalm 51:13 he wrote his resolve that: ” I will teach transgressors Your ways, and sinners will turn to You”.
In the New Testament, Christ encourages us to teach others His ways. Though we will not be above Him, we will be like Him in the ministry of teaching ( John 6:40 ).
Heavenly Father, Jesus as our LAMED ( TEACHER ) teaches us by example. Once we are forgiven our sins, we receive His grace and mercy. In gratitude we are to share our testimony and teach others His ways. This transformation in our character is the way of our Santification, the way to attain spiritual maturity in Him. Indeed Jesus is the way, the truth and the life ( John 14:6 ).