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Dear Goldie, My heart is broken by my son. After all my prayers and Christian upbringing, he is going to marry a non-believer divorcee from another culture. I see the

Advice On Relationship Planning

Dear Goldie, I am a committed Christian and am now in university.  I met a girl in the same year as I am.  We get along smashingly and I can


PRIEST AT WORK Dear Goldie, Recently while surfing the net, I came across a puzzling teaching by a pastor who said all Christians should be priests. He said Martin Luther

Should We Legalise Same-Sex Marriage?

SHOULD WE LEGALISE SAME-SEX MARRIAGE? Dear Goldie, I am   puzzled and disturbed as oftentimes when I discuss with my friends about same-sex marriage, they always accuse us Christians of being

Forward this WA message or be cursed?

Hi Goldie,   I would like to know your thoughts on WhatsApp (WA) messages about God, prayers, Bible verses, etc. I’m not against the circulation of such WA messages but

Disappointment In Serving In ALPHA Ministry

Dear Goldie,   I was thrilled when three persons accepted Christ in the Alpha course that I was leading. However, one of them, a young lady, has disappeared. I emailed

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