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My First Encounter with Black Magic

Having received a few feedback regarding certain entries in our competition, we feel we need to clarify a few things:

  1. This competition is based on each writer’s individual experience and provided they can testify to them being genuine, we consider all testimonies valid and eligible for running. We hold to the guideline that each writer is entitled to their own opinions about their experiences, and in their expression of said opinions.
  2. Currently, this is still part of an ongoing competition. As such, the articles listed on this page are still under the prerogative of each writer and Asian Beacon will not meddle in any way with any content by any writer. If we ever publish any articles under the name of Asian Beacon, we will clearly state our stand on our statement of beliefs.
  3. This competition is judged purely on the writer’s testimonies and not on the finer points of theology. While the competition is still ongoing, in all cases, and in line with our respect for each writer’s individual testimonies, we adopt a ‘spirit rather than the letter of the law’ approach to each writer’s testimony.
  4. The Asian Beacon team will endeavour to its utmost to be fair to all participants, without any discrimination, prejudice, or favoritism to any single participant.
  5. In all cases, the Asian Beacon team will hold true to the conditions we have outlined in our Terms and Conditions for the competition. You may find these terms on

Asian Beacon would like to reiterate here that we are all members of Bible-believing churches and we hold to the evangelical creed. We thank those of you who have raised your concerns and hope this will help answer your questions.

My First Encounter with Black Magic

by Victoria Bong

I tore open the transfer letter with great anticipation. It was exactly as God told me, that my transfer letter would arrive on this very day! There it was, a confirmation that I would begin a new life at a new place, placed snugly in my hand. As I sought Him for direction, God forewarned me that this new season of life which I was about to undertake would be a journey forged with great trials. There will be trials which will be beyond my human capacity to endure. Thus, I had to stay strong and seek His face daily in order to endure and go through them. 

Nonetheless, I was not prepared for the first trial which awaited me.

As a teacher working in a government secondary school, I was first posted to a town far away from my hometown. After working for 7 years in a new town which I eventually grew to love, I decided to apply for transfer to another town in which my parents relocated to. My application was successful after a few failed attempts! I was elated and excited. I reported for work in the new school a day after I received my letter of transfer. 

Three days later, I was to begin my first task as a teacher in the new school. Something seemed amiss there. Yet, I just could not put a finger to it. The spiritual atmosphere there felt oppressive and very strange. 


The workload given by the school was extremely hectic and as the days went by, I realized that the work culture there was particularly toxic. I began to focus most of my time and energy on work. Time spent with God started to decrease gradually. I won’t even pray before having my meals. As the days went by, I could barely hear from God like I used to as I got into my new work routine.

Some of my new colleagues seemed friendly. A particular male teacher stood out because he was always charming, friendly and excessively helpful. Although he was just a temporary teacher there, and not a qualified or confirmed teacher, he would often go out of his way to help other colleagues in various ways, sometimes to the extent of treating them to meals after helping them. 

One afternoon, about two months after I started work there, the male teacher left a packet of fried rice on my table. He did the same for a few other teachers. I ate it without suspecting anything. It was the start of a series of sinister and horrendous chain of events.

I began having dreams of the most erotic kind- dreams related to that particular male teacher, almost each night. The dreams would cause me to wake up in the middle of night, shaking with pangs of disgust and loathing. They were so terrible that I was afraid to fall asleep on most nights. It came to the point that each time the horrible dreams came, I would wake up and start praying, too terrified to resume sleep. I wondered if there was something wrong with me. At work, I would try to avoid that particular male teacher. Feelings of shame, guilt and disgust began fill me to the point that I was no longer able to pray and seek God like before. I felt too embarrassed to tell anyone about what I was going through as well. Nobody knew what I was going through then. 

This went on for a few months. The dreams would come and go. I started having insomnia because I was afraid to fall asleep. It almost affected my performance at work. I suffered silently, not knowing what to do, while my relationship with God was riddled with more guilt, shame and fear. I used to be a worship leader in my previous church, but I was no longer able to worship or pray at all. I would often feel a dark cloud of heaviness hovering around me. I felt more and more depressed as the days went by. Yet, I did not know what was actually happening to me at the time. 

I continued to avoid that particular male teacher as much as I could. I was hoping he would leave soon, but his work contract was extended. He did not try to approach me in any way apart from discussing about work when there was a need to. 

One day, my father told me that he had a dream about a man who was a pervert. He dreamt that the pervert tried to seduce many young girls who were in their teens using black magic and also tried to seduce me with black magic. My father did not who that man was, but told me to be careful of perverts. Thinking it was just a dream, I shrugged it off and did not bother to think too much about it. 

About a month after my father told me about the dream, a female student started to approach me and told me that the male teacher would often tell them that he wanted to find ways to seduce me because he was interested in me, but I did not seem interested. At first, I was not convinced, so she got a few male students from her class to approach me. Each one of them told me horrifying accounts about that male teacher. Apparently he would often send pornographic material to a few male students, invited a few female students to go out with him at night and also went to the extent of inviting a few male students to join him to take videos of paranormal activity around the school at night. I was utterly horrified! Suddenly, something clicked! 

I asked my father if he could recall the dream he had about the pervert and requested that he identify the face of the pervert in the dream. I showed him pictures of several male teachers working in my school, one of which was the face of that male teacher. Immediately, he pointed out that the particular male teacher was the pervert he saw in his dream! Blood literally drained from my face. After fitting the pieces of the puzzle together, I suspected that the teacher must have been involved in black magic and that he was a pervert who used black magic on students, including myself.

I wanted to inform the school principal about everything I found out, but fearing spiritual retaliation, I decided to just pray about this issue for the time being. 

For the first time in many months since I became distant from God, I prayed fervently. I started to read up and learn more about ways to pray spiritual warfare prayers to break the effects of black magic done upon me. I also fervently prayed that the pervert teacher would be evicted from the school soon. My family members joined in to pray concerning this matter. 

Within a few days, the erotic dreams I used to experience ceased. I was set free! That teacher started to report to work sick a few times after that. Later I found out that he told a student that he coughed blood and could not perform any spell because he tried to set up an altar to engage in the black arts but the altar suddenly collapsed. This happened on the very same day my family and I started praying for protection using spiritual warfare prayers. 

Within a few weeks after we began praying, the school’s guard reported to the principal that the teacher had sent video clips of paranormal activity around the school to a few students and to the guard himself. The principal was furious, deemed the teacher as utterly unprofessional and had him terminated. The spiritual atmosphere in the school began to change for the better after that. Praise the Lord!

 I resumed a more prayerful spiritual walk and a closer relationship with God soon after. This incident taught me so much about spiritual warfare and the importance of being consistently vigilant in my walk with the almighty God. For the weapons of our warfare are not carnal, but mighty through God to the pulling down of strongholds (2 Corinthians 10:4). We will walk in victory at all times if we do not fear, but put our full faith and trust in Him. To God be all glory, honour, power and praise! 

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