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Study #5: ALEPH

Let us recapt what we have studied about ALEPH.

Its importance is seen in its pictorial form ( Ox ) and numerical value ( 1 ).

Who should be the strong leader and Number One in our lives? The answer is none other than God.

The earliest name of God is EL ( written in the Sinai in 1500 -1700 B.C. ). In Hebrew the English EL is spelt ALEPH LAMED ( AL = the One who wields the strongest authority ). He is our FIRST or STRONGEST AUTHORITY.

No wonder the psalmist of Psalm 146:5 wrote: “Happy is he who has the GOD ( EL/AL ) of Jacob for his help “.

Father God, let us see how Aleph which is usually a silent letter in Hebrew resembles You as the Strongest Authority and Number 1 in our lives. The Bible begins with a B ( Bet in Hebrew ) as its first word BERESHIT in the Book of Genesis but we know You are the great Aleph who was behind the creation of the world – the silent invisible God who when He chooses to speak creates the world as we know it and more.

Study 5 ALEPH

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